Thursday, July 7, 2011

I'm Back...

After over a year of not blogging I have decided I need it in my life. It makes me use my words, which I mostly like to internalize. I am a private person needless to say. I also needed a new blog to go with my new life. 

I have been thinking about where I was last year at this time and how much has changed. It feels as though I have always been married to Alan. We click. He gets me. Well most of the time. He also makes me use my words. :) I'd like to say I am not much of a talker but that would be a lie. I love to talk. What I don't like to talk about is my needs. Which I know is absurd. So he baby steps me through things a lot. And he hears the words "I don't want to talk about that" probably to often. He is a good sport and he is very sweet. 

I decided I am going to make myself use my words via the internet. So there it is. I'm back.


1 comment:

Staigerfamily said...

Welcome back . . . you've been missed!